Riedel glasses, decanters and some lovely new wines and bubbly @rmbwinex_2017 @riedel_official @sandtonconv #winex #sawines #winesofsouthafrica #winetasting #discovernewwines #winestagram #wines A post shared by Palate Experiences (@palate_experiences) on Oct 26, 2017 at 1:14pm PDT

My breakfast to help me through my busy morning filled with meetings.
My breakfast to help me through my busy morning filled with meetings. Gluten free rolled oats soaked overnight in almond milk, almond butter, vanilla extract and some raw honey. Topped with fresh blueberries and raw almonds. #breakfast #healthybreakfast #glutenfree #vegan #homemade #tasty A post shared by Palate Experiences (@palate_experiences) on Oct 24, 2017 at 9:54pm…
A few quick smaller portion dishes.
I love having friends spontaneously popping by. A few quick smaller portion dishes. #friends #tapas #tzatziki #beeffillet #chickenliver #norwegiansalmon #seededbread #salad #sweetcorn #dinner A post shared by Palate Experiences (@palate_experiences) on Oct 24, 2017 at 9:11am PDT
Sunday afternoon cocktails and snacks.
Sunday afternoon cocktails and snacks. #cocktails #caipiriña #caipirinha #mojito #cherryginsmash #cherrygin #sundaydrinks #sundaycocktails #chilling A post shared by Palate Experiences (@palate_experiences) on Oct 22, 2017 at 9:11am PDT
I had to capture this First Lady with this great Man
I had to capture this First Lady with this great Man. 😉 She had me hooked after tasting it at a wine pairing. It’s now on my list of favorite whites. Love it! . . #unwoodedchardonnay #chardonnay #thefirstlady #whitewine #chilling #winesnob #sawine #wosa #sawineries #stellenboschwines #stellenboschwine @warwickwineestate @nelsonmandelasquare #winestagram #wines A post shared by Palate…
I love a good Bloody Mary
I love a good Bloody Mary #bloodymary #bloodymaryshots #bloodymaryshot #bloodymaryshrimp A post shared by Palate Experiences (@palate_experiences) on Oct 19, 2017 at 11:44am PDT