
Zucchini Fritters

SA Lockdown – Day21
Here is another quick, easy recipe which is vegan friendly.
It consists of only 4 ingredients, and can be enjoyed as a side dish or as a main served with a salad.
You would get about 4-6 Fritters depending on the size you make.

½ cup Pakco Chilli Bite Mix (can be found at Pick n Pay)
4 medium Zucchini, grated not too fine
1 small Onion, finely diced
¼ cup Water (or more if needed)
Oil for frying

1. Combine the grated Zucchini, diced Onions and Chilli Bite Mix in a mixing bowl.
2. Add the Water and mix it into a thick batter, add more water if necessary.
3. Heat Oil in a shallow pan and using 2 dessert size spoons to spoon into the pan and flatten a little. Be sure not to overcrowd the pan.

4. After a few minutes, you will notice that little bubbles will start to form, showing that the heat is coming right through the Fritter. Now would be the time to turn it with a spatula or flat wooden spoon..
5. Once both sides are browned, remove with a spatula and set aside on a paper towel.

6. Repeat until all the batter is used up. You can also tightly seal the remaining batter and leave in the fridge for a day or 2.
7. Serve with a green salad of choice.

*Should you not be able to find you can use the following ingredients to make your own.
*Chickpea Flour
*Dried Chilli
*Salt & Pepper
*Ground Cumin Seeds
*Ground Coriander Seeds
*Ground Fennel Seeds
*Baking Powder


*Chickpea Flour
*Cajun Spice (I find Ina Paarman’s to be the best)

Measurements would depend on how much you want to make. Start with about ½ cup of the Flour and then season as desired.